An Example of my Mind Palace

Ezekiel 28 is the King and Prince of Tyre and Ziddon.
Nebuchadnezzar breached the walls with the Trojan Horse.
Homer wrote the Iliad, and probably meant to convey the Siege of Tyre.
Agamemnon is Nebuchadnezzar, and Alexander scraped the foundations
Of Tyre, and built a causeway and took Egypt for nothing. According to Prophecy.
Cambyses II took Egypt, and brought Pythagoras and the Egyptians down, to fulfill the 40 year captivity.
As did Titus when he sacked Jerusalem, and took the Jews into Captivity
It fulfilled the 40 year captivity. Jesus prophesied of the Temple's destruction;
The wailing wall still stands, is it indeed a part of the Temple
Or is there going to be a new destruction?
The Temple was outlaid with gold, and was white.
Jesus said the Pharisees were Whitewashed Tombs
Just like the Temple was whitewashed.
In Ezekiel, there will be a new Temple, and it seems heavenly.
Our Body is a Temple, and is the container of the Holy Spirit.
Haggai implored the rebuilding of the Temple, and tithing is necessary to keep prosperous.
This is proof of Dispensation, what the Temple is, and therefore the priesthood and law.
Do not sacrifice, if the Jews make a third temple. It is error, let Christ remain your sacrefice,
Or you will be caught like those who remained in Jerusalem were, surrounded by the Abomination of Desolation.
The Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet, are typed in The King, Prince and Ziddon.
Also, they are typed in Moab, Egypt, Philistia, Assyria and Babylon.
Greece and Persia are the two main empires of latter days;
Islam and Communism is the religion of Persia, and Secularism and a Free Market is the religion of Grecia.
The Four Beasts in Daniel are divisions of those empires; the Iron Jowled Beast being the Antichrist Kingdom.

The poor are more important to tithe to, but do pay a shepherd.
Blessed are those who mourn, and also the poor.
Do not gain the world, and lose your soul.

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