On Frustration

[R]esolve to know Christ. Don't be indifferent to Christ. Pray all day, every day, meditate on His Word and commune with Him. No matter what, when you feel depressed, take a walk through a forest or desert--wherever, just like Jesus--and pray. You'll be invigorated. Tell God you're angry with Him, but don't let your heart be bitter, and ask Him for peace and love and to not be angry. Prepare to die for the love of your brother, and hope for his wellbeing and satisfaction more than your own. God will provide what's necessary for your fruit. As He wants love and peace, not style and cunning, developed in your personality. Every anxiety, go to the LORD. No matter how hard, go to Him, make known your true thoughts, and develop the fruits of righteousness. God cares more about that than your success. He'll give you whatever you need for righteousness, but prepare to suffer long for the hope of good and ripe fruit.

Do not worry. Ask God for heavenly treasures. And you will soon be freed from this world's burdens. You won't long for death, nor will you despair, but you'll have hope which is commanded.

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