Dairy Around the World

The first foods that built society, were Dairy, Beer and Bread. That's simply dull, to think that Neolithic humans didn't realize a delicious substance came from their herds, and then transferred that to more complex civilization. Basically, leftists don't like people being in civilizations. They really hate that, and want people to be wandering around in tribes, still in hunter gatherer life. But these are the same morons who say Math is racist, and subjective, and defined by our wants and needs. Not quite... I've studied a bit on this subject for about five years, so can rightly say Math is defined by Geometry, not simply arbitrarily decided by a few peons.

Literally, to describe Dairy's impact on the world, there's entire primitive economies built around dairy in Africa, and in the parts of the continent that can breed livestock, there's always been dairy. And the same thing goes for China, there's actually a specific breed of dairy cow that is cultivated there, down into southern Asia, and into Mongolia, where in Mongolia they literally have developed so much food products from dairy, their entire diet consists of it. Let's not even get into the Ancient Canaanites who worshipped the Bull, and that remnant is still in India, where they heavily use Dairy Products. I mean, how else does a cow get sacred?

Simply stupid people are making these claims, and nobody has enough sense to listen to why that's wrong.

And then you have all the ancient cultures that used to herd goats and sheep, which also produce milk, which in Mexico to this day, a huge product is dairy from goats and sheep, and yes, even cattle. It's just stupidity. These multiculturalists are the white people. That's what they don't understand. They are indeed the white privilege. Not the other way around.

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