The Evolution of Faith

The Jews weren’t wrong, until they rejected Christ. They had the true religion, just like Abraham’s faith was true, before there were the Jews. And the Torah was not established until 1300BC, so before that, another religion—the religion of the Patriarchs—was correct. Just like when Christ shed His blood, the atonement switched from the Lamb to the Lamb of God Who is Christ.

The faith evolves, with more and more revelation of Who God is. In the time of Job, when Behemoth walked the Earth, there wasn’t much knowledge, but the faith was handed down by the Patriarchs. Then Abraham found God, and worshipped only Him, and established law in Mesopotamia. And His seed bore the Covenant, and the Jews were given the Law, so that only one people knew the God of all, but they transgressed, so Christ came and fulfilled it unto death and resurrected so the whole world could have true life.

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