Why Hell?

Well think about it this way, the only way you could have eternal life, is if you had Christ’s mind and righteousness. So, inherently, how are you going to receive that? Unless you choose to have it? Because human minds are fallible, and full of sin and doubt, and also nasty thoughts. Just think about all the nasty thoughts you have, and your anxieties on a daily basis. You don’t want that in heaven? So, you’re basically asking Christ to give you His body and His mind, with your Soul, and His Spirit, so you cannot sin, and therefore, will have everlasting peace.

Without it, even if you lived on Earth for eternity, it’d pretty much be hell. Because life without God’s peace is hell. So the more you drift away from Christ, the more like hell your life becomes. It’s not that “God doesn’t love sinners”, it’s that you have to choose God and His mercy, to avoid the wrath, by saying “I’m not good enough to be in heaven.” Because you’re not. You need Christ’s righteousness to live eternally, and be able to fully have pleasure and not sin. You also have to recognize you’re not perfect, and except Christ’s Lordship in your life, as that’s the only way to receive mercy, is to accept God’s grace, and live with full understanding that you’re not worthy. As only that will produce the kinds of fruits necessary to gain access to the Kingdom.

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