A Sermon on my Righteousness

I've written copiously on my sin. This way people don't venerate me beyond what they should. They ought to resist me, and what I say. But, through power of persuasion--not coercion--be converted to not my word, but God's word.

Certainly, twice convicted on misdemeanors, some for flamboyantly rotten things, if one wishes to have my righteousness, I would wonder to what madness they possessed. Do they wish to spend six years on probation, ten years on a sex offender registry, and five months in prison? Rightly, I don't believe anyone could want my righteousness, therefore I ought not be venerated. And I've been known to cuss frequently as of late, and sleep too much. If you want my righteousness, you're a lunatic... but none can say I'm lawless either.

However, I'm a conduit to the Master. I point in His direction. I am not His mouthpiece, but a compass pointing to Him. I say the Bible must be accompanied by faith, and knowledge of the LORD. And of course I believe in the divine hierarchy of Teacher, Deacon, Elder, Pastor, Bishop, Prophet and Apostle. I think the apostolic faith is unique, and is starting to be understood these days once again, as the world falls deeper into sin.

I venerate no man on earth. But, rather, my Father in heaven. I venerate no Christ, save the Christ Who lived 2,000 years ago, died and was raised from the Dead. And in our resurrection we shall be just like Him. Not as corruptible man, but a new creature, with the full incapacity to commit any sin or trespass.

It is not my righteousness I elevate, but the man Christ's, who saved my soul, died upon a Roman Cross, was buried with sinners, born of the Virgin Mary, and when He returns, will return upon the clouds of heaven, and set His foot upon the Mount Olivet, and there it shall part and the gross abomination shall be tormented in the fires which proceed out of it.

That is my doctrine.

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