On He Gets Us

He Gets Us is actually a very good ministry. It's not proclaiming Universalism, but mercy. If you see a Transgender with gauges six inches wide, a septum piercing, and spiked hair, your first inclination shouldn't be disgust. You should have mercy on such an individual. True, it's a sin... but remember the Gospel went to Prostitutes and Tax Collectors, so it also goes out to Transgenders and Feminists. As the LORD said in the Psalms, "I desired mercy, not sacrifice." Surely, when you get them into the church, they need to know right standard, and follow sound doctrine. But, even then, you have to guide them with patience, and not with a rod.

Pastors are way too judgmental, or they are way too accepting. Christ walked the narrow road, and was gentle with sinners, but was strict with Pharisees and Sadducees {Evangelicals and Progressives today}. I also think Christ wasn't a prude, in that He drank wine, did cuss once, and wasn't someone limited by a schedule and a heavy work load. So, you have to wrestle with the true Christ, but I'm going to say He Gets Us is true, and that's why it's so lacking with actual support from anywhere. Just like Christ, it was hated by everyone in the contemporary world.

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