The Throne Room of God

Upon a golden road, the heavenly grain grow to my right and left.
Ezekiel's river flows, wide, as I stand on the outer bank
Where no Philistine lives or washes their foot.
I set my foot upon the steaming froth, and look above me
To see the Seraphim flying overhead, from the North, South
East, West---there shall be East, North, South and West even in Heaven---
And they fly in, as I walk upon the waters.
I walk for days, scooping the living water into my hand
Cupped, and drink it. It tastes like ice cold milk
With a hint of honey and tea, chilly to my throat
And I see the Heavenly Light of Jehovah-Jireh
A pillar of light, which emanates from the LORD's body.
The city of Jerusalem stands 12,000 furlongs tall
Towering above me, as I look up at the Jacinth towers
With a Rose hue, and aged gold. There, upon the river
Where it flows out from Jehovah, the source of all rivers
In heaven, and the Heavenly Mount Zion in front of me
There the temple stands, a small building in a courtyard
With palm trees. I walk into it---for I can approach the LORD
At any time I wish, for I am free, and so will you be,
And Christ's heavenly mind, knows the time to approach the King.
Hephzibah is beside me, and I look upon the figure of a man
With Carnelian skin and White flowing beard and tress
Light emanating from his body. The seraphim circles
Above him, its mouth touching its tail,
And it tells of news from far away lands.
The Cherubim stand, haunched upon their paws,
With their four faces, and I see the Temple,
An austere and humble building compared to
The rest of Heaven, but it is the most sacred place in all the worlds.

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