The Last Christian

"I am the last Christian on Earth.
"All have turned aside, and forgat.
"Life grew soft, and pleasant
"So that the Earth was paradise.
"Gross and lewd things became proper.
"Men learned how to play with death.
"The Magicians and Warlocks grew
"And Demons were the Science.
"I am the last Christian on Earth
"And I was the first Christian on Earth.
"I saw the World rejoicing
"With its squalor, bathing in lust.
"I realized, I truly did, in that moment,
"The faith was honest, sincere,
"And real. So I had peace like Noah
"Knowing the world needed Him;
"Though no rain would fall;
"Faith disappeared, and the reason why
"Was no one got what they truly wanted
"So they abandoned belief to pursue their lucre.
"To do evil, and therefore gain pleasure
"For doing good gave them none.
"And that is what the world was about.

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