Maxim 131: Certainly, mercy is more important than sacrifice, but what's the altar for, if not to cleanse us from sins and sorrows? And what causes sorrows, but sin?

Maxim 132: Maxim 1: The intellectual of the 21st century has all the same study habits and beliefs, verbatim, that Hitler did, but somehow say Christianity is what caused the Holocaust.

Maxim 2: The terrible genius of Hitler, is he read from end cover to beginning, thus reversing all order to his thought.

Maxim 3: I have no systematic philosophy beyond listening, and seeing.

Maxim 4: The laws in American society are framed to punish good ethics, and enable greed.

Maxim 5: Sometimes the cockroach masquerades as a butterfly.

Maxim 6: Sometimes the vermin isn’t actually so; just a lonely sage trapped in a world of narcissists.

Maxim 7: Faith to me is like calculus. You can’t prove a limit, except by the logic that it works.

Maxim 8: Calculus is all measures of geometry, used to know the infinite.

Maxim 9: I write poetry, not programs. Art is, by definition, useless. It’s just there to express how you feel, and edify people by giving them an education.

Maxim 10: My aesthetic as a poet, is to make simple and precise words complex and beautiful.

Maxim 11: The world needs a sage, not another politician. Not someone who leads, but someone who influences.

Maxim 12: It's funny in the age of online influencers, we've become less sagacious and more deliberately stupid.

Maxim 13: What conservatives fail to realize, is what made Jesus so relatable was He was more of an Epicurean than a Stoic.

Maxim 14: To me, philosophy is the exact opposite of abstraction or systematizing.

Maxim 15: Philosophy is looking, listening, and finding what’s true. It’s seeing things for what they are, and not what you want them to be.

Maxim 16: I don’t think any wise philosopher ever systematized or abstracted, but rather fluidly looked at things in the concrete and all their vicissitudes and consistencies.

Maxim 17: All bad times throughout history, began with widespread infidelity.

Maxim 18: There is sometimes a short time of peace, where the whore and prude are tolerant of one another, but then they make war and all society suffers.

Maxim 19: What if is a question for literature. And many times it turned true points, or warned of hidden dangers.

Maxim 20: Kris, should I leave my wisdom, which by me they honor God and man, to be promoted over the trees?

Maxim 21: The reason nobody can find happiness, is because people feel relationships are commodities and not necessities, and can be disposed of or upgraded at will.

Maxim 22: The only real writing advice I can give, is 'Write what you feel, and your audience will feel it too.'

Maxim 23: I'm learning silence, not to form a weapon, but to collect a surgical tool pack.

Maxim 24: One spokeswoman said something to the effect that colonial violence is heating, air conditioning, peace and stability, so she weaponizes your children against it. Those are her exact words, not mine.

Maxim 25: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." See the NIH will even interpret it for you. That’s all you need to know.

Maxim 26: The thing that disappoints me the most, is people's proclivities to study everything a thinker got wrong, rather than what they got right.

Maxim 27: People don't want truth, just juice. Give them the truth, anyway.

Maxim 28: You have to do real work to be an author—it’s rewarding work, and it doesn’t feel like work, but you still have to do real work if you’re going to be an author.

Maxim 29: Forgiveness is a reason you always have a to do good. Forgiveness is not an excuse to continue doing what you did wrong.

Maxim 30: Falkner said social forces mitigate against us--they say militate is right. No, it's mitigate, as our will is mitigated by the milieu.

Maxim 31: Prosperity is not virtue.

Maxim 32: It's healthy to have secrets. You don't have to pay the price of ever sin you did, because if you did, your life would be total misery.

Maxim 33: Sin of 60° is equal to the longer leg of a right triangle, whose hypotenuse is 1.

Maxim 34: Trust the math. If you're trying to understand something difficult, assume your forbearers got it right, and you did not. The same is true for all accumulated wisdom.

Maxim 35: The heart of man is deep, and it searches itself out and finds no answer.

Maxim 36: Probably the single greatest idol to Christianity, is the Bible itself. It is a stumbling block, just like Jesus was. You either are propelled forward into victory through its wisdom, or ground by it to dust.

Maxim 37: Church is about saving the soul: not the Flesh, not the World.

Maxim 38: Studies are way behind wisdom.

Maxim 39: Calculus was framed by already knowing the answer. It is assumed, because the leap in logic is sound, so constructed around the answer that would make sense. Many other things in life are just like it.

Maxim 40: Faith is an absolute necessity in life. You even need it for science.

Maxim 41: It's bad literary theory, to try and defy a meaning that's obvious.

Maxim 42: You shouldn't go casting demons out of people, where there aren't any.

Maxim 43: The apostles did curse some sinners, and through their ministry, some blasphemed.

Maxim 44: Some "harmful stereotypes" are true, and the only thing harmful is telling people not to face the facts.

Maxim 45: Crime rates are low, because they don't count gang violence in their statistics.

Maxim 46: Ten years ago--because I'm interested in these things--I read 30,000 people die of Gang Related Violence a year. I read the Murder Reports that are currently out, they said there was only about 6,000 homicides that year. Yes, the statistics you are being given are bold faced lies. That's a fact.

Maxim 47: Crime rates weren't low. They're altered. Gang related murders were at a number comparable to Vietnam's US deaths, in 2012.

Maxim 48: For the record, 9,000,000 Uighurs were killed by Buddhists in Myanmar.

Maxim 49: Christianity is the faith of Reason and Charity, not Anger and Power.

Maxim 50: Trust the author. They've probably put a lot more thought into this than you did.

Maxim 51: Just write a woman like you would write a man. Simple enough. Just have it in the background of your imagination, that it's a woman and not a man.

Maxim 52: It's always, "Because God, therefore these things." I go the opposite, "Because these things, therefore God."

Maxim 53: A little bit more than above average, but less than big.

Maxim 54: The Tomfoolery of today, is I don't even recognize my own baseball team's uniforms anymore.

Maxim 55: Faith is a lot like gravity. You fall over the hilly terrain, but get to the truth much faster despite going a much longer distance.

Maxim 56: God's law is like gravity. It's inherent and self apparent in the universe. It's just difficult to fully understand.

Maxim 57: Indigenous peoples are not missing from the historical record, they just aren't painted in a flattering light because those cultures were wicked beyond all measure.

Maxim 58: Ah, yes, Karma: the force that has a good hearted Indian Man neck deep in human feces, and Dictators around the world swimming in gold and whores.

Maxim 59: You can't be prosperous and also live like dogs and pigs.

Maxim 60: The world is not going to change, until we admit we all made the world suck. Not the Government, not the CIA, not Iran, not Israel, all of us. There are very few good people left in this world, and until we all take ownership of our sins, the world isn't going to get any better.

Maxim 61: "Of the thirty-one civilizations that have existed," the Preacher said, "twenty-seven fell due to sin."

Maxim 62: I always think I'm wrong, until I listen to Dr. McGee say verbatim things I have said; he witnessed its beginning, and I its metastasizing; he who comes after me, possibly its death.

Maxim 62: Bullets go both ways in war. And in some of them, there’s a good guy and a bad guy. If you want to know why I sometimes cuss.

Maxim 63: The morals of the Bible are accidental,---they create strings of fortune throughout the culture without God’s help.

Maxim 64: I have a high view of scripture, and a high view of prayer, but a low view of the pomp of ceremony.

Maxim 65: Stop trying to save the world. Just find Jesus, and save yourself.

Maxim 66: If the stick beats the kind, and the carrot feeds the cruel, you need a better system of morals than the one society gives you.

Maxim 67: There’s a lot of people who did illegal things, with good hearts, and a lot of people who never did anything illegal, with absolute blackness in their souls.

Maxim 68: Prisons are filled with people who want a second chance, and God seems to be the only Being in existence willing to give it to them.

Maxim 69: People suppose those people in prison are bad, and the those outside of it are good. There’s a lot of people who did illegal things, with good hearts, and a lot of people who never did anything illegal, with absolute blackness in their souls.

Maxim 70: Some things in life are contradictory, because there’s multiple dimensions to them. A quadratic equation can have both a positive and negative answer.

Maxim 71: Some things in life are contradictory, because there’s multiple dimensions to them. A quadratic equation can have both a positive and negative answer. And even having two answers, there’s still infinitely more that are wrong.

Maxim 72: What’s true is true. You can’t change history with forgetfulness. You only repeat it.

Maxim 73: If I am false, then there is no true faith.

Maxim 74: I do not want man to hang on every word I speak, like I am Joseph Smith or Muhammad, but to convert by my word like I am C. S. Lewis or G. K. Chesterton; St. Augustine or St. Aquinas.

Maxim 75: Walking down the park path, I saw her in her blue dress---not a devil, but dawned by God's radiance---I felt the presence of God, but t'wasn't her but the Raiment of Christ which she wore. She is not God.

Maxim 76: We shall all---who believe---wear Christ one day, like that Amish woman I once saw, and named Amarisa.

Maxim 77: I can see why John would almost worship the Angel, for I saw her that day and was confused. But, do not worship the angel; just know heavenly grace is like that.

Maxim 78: We who believe will wear the righteousness of Christ, and must need it to be saved. We must wear a Holy Garment of Christ, and be given His authority. Not that filth which proceeds from our own.

Maxim 79: The presence of God can be dawned like a raiment. Like it was on Stephen.

Maxim 80: Every culture knows right from wrong. When they start to forget it, they get conquered.

Maxim 81: The saved are not alcomforted in this world, so they never settle and set their hopes on it.

Maxim 82: There are many myriad myriads of cities in heaven; sprawling out from Zion, there are many Kingdoms. From Mount Zion, the roads of Gold lead to many other metropolises.

Maxim 83: The way people operate today, is experts remove resources from public databases and say the best evidence is not evidence, and then find ulterior explanations for everything.

Maxim 84: A covenant is a sacred trust, bonded by contractual oath.

Maxim 85: I truthfully want to believe Trump, but every gut instinct tells me no.

Maxim 86: Biden has the FBI spying on us Christians... I agree with the image of Trump, but feel in my bones it's imaginary.

Maxim 87: To foster good reading habits, let kids be read to in class and synthesize the material through Dialogue and Essay.

Maxim 88: To make kids illiterate, shame them about getting the least little factoid wrong on a test.

Maxim 89: I would despise God, if the only thing we had to do was just believe in Him, and then we could do whatever we want.

Maxim 90: The reason you must have Christ to go to heaven, is that only by having Christ's righteousness, while in heaven, will it be able to be heaven. That is why it is a gift.

Maxim 91: You must be as righteous as Christ, for heaven to be perfect. The decision first starts on Earth whether you want to be or not.

Maxim 92: To accept the gift of grace, is to be a changed person from within.

Maxim 93: I don’t want people forced to read my books. If I fail, I fail, but man they were an education to write.

Maxim 94: I don’t like socialism.

Maxim 95: Everyone who does heaven tourism always has some form of TV. True heaven would have none; there's nothing more base than it. You'd experience things through the mind, and actual senses; not merely watch it.

Maxim 96: I imagine books in heaven, with heavenly minds that have full capacity to imagine, and see every detail of a person's total thoughts, life and deeds.

Maxim 97: I just base heaven's descriptions on what the Bible says--with some added zest of life experience.

Maxim 98: With all the suffering in this world, there’d better be a better one.

Maxim 99: LGBTQ whatever, to me, is as dangerous as fascism. It’s unnatural and inhumane, and leads to despotic governments. In every instance in history it popped up, it led to massive suffering.

Maxim 100: A fat, half naked, bald man trimming his toe nails gets 2 million views. I get maybe 7 on a good day. Do you see the problem with this world, yet?

Maxim 101: The Aryans invented Crucifixion, and the Jews destroyed Germany. It was one of the best documented lies in history.

Maxim 102: It's funny how the secular world wants to use religion and its tactics to get their points across, when the very things they criticized in the first place about religion, are the very things they're using.

Maxim 103: Because China and Iran care about Genocide? Really, understand who the bad guys actually are.

Maxim 104: I can imagine a pretty awesome heaven, so the God of all the universe can obviously do so much better. And that ability to understand good is evidence of Heaven. As if there’s true good, there is truly a God in heaven.

Maxim 105: It seems the tradition of Poets is to make imagination into a god. It is not my God, but rather my tool for revealing Him to many.

Maxim 106: Venus figurines and red paints. It’s the global Neolithic Civilization.

Maxim 107: I hate Tooth Fairies, Santa Clauses and Easter Bunnies. Because there’s grown up things people should believe in, and when you destroy someone's faith in miracles, they go bad instantly.

Maxim 108: I just know a good man finds Christ, and a bad man loses Him.

Maxim 109: I don't watch porn, and I don't know why it's on my YouTube Algorithms.

Maxim 110: I don't want the world. All I want is just to get to have my opinion.

Maxim 111: With the capacity to sin, comes the capacity to suffer.

Maxim 112: Nature is a reflection of Mankind, for with our knowledge, comes creation's groans.

Maxim 113: The internet makes everyone sound angry.

Maxim 114: The old adage goes, a lie repeated a thousand times gets believed as the truth. And then scholars destroy the truth, to bolster that lie.

Maxim 115: I truly think I’d rather someone torture a cat, than play with sex toys and beat each other during sex.

Maxim 116: That's a lofty trick Satan uses, is to disrupt clear passages, by claiming logic cannot be applied to a verse, but it must remain static within its context.

Maxim 117: American justice is not about justice, but about deep pockets.

Maxim 118: Sometimes an artist's poor judgment is an ingredient in his brilliance.

Maxim 119: Sometimes it is what someone cannot understand, that gives them truly unfathomable breadth of insight.

Maxim 120: A child's wisdom is in what they do not know.

Maxim 121: Namely, someone who doesn't understand politics is the best one to analyze it.

Maxim 122: Politics is who gets what, and who's on top: if that game is an enigma, you probably understand more than you know.

Maxim 123: Modern poetry and thought lacks true ideas.

Maxim 124: Modern thought is flamboyant build up of repetitive introductions, and then half baked methodologies for prosperity.

Maxim 125: Drama, drama, drama, and nobody knows.

Maxim 126: An exception never proves a rule invalid.

Maxim 127: There’s general rules that apply in large, and then you find that, and zero in onto more specific things.

Maxim 128: To be an artist is to be degrading these days.

Maxim 129: Scripture is not the only source of truth. If it were, God has no right to punish anyone.

Maxim 130: The preachers I like always have discipline in their words, but mercy in their voice.

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