Summer 2024

1. Prince of this World

Virgin Mary, I have seen you
And Jesus Christ, Son of God
I have seen you.

The Prince of this world does
Not even know of you---
Nay, he cannot.

2. Providence

When at ease, and fully trusting
One walks through their paths...
All hell and storm abounding
One is delivered from the wrath.

Every clean bird shall congregate
Around you, in each and every bough
Of trees and rivers and lakes
And they shall settle all around.

The Blue Bird, the Cardinal
The Goldfinch and the Grouse
Red Winged Blackbird
The Sparrow and even the Squirrels now.

And if you are in God's timing
You shall walk down the path
And the congregation of blessing
Shall see you are not proud.

3. What Heaven Will Not Be

I come to what is perhaps my most important heaven poem.
Of what Heaven will not be.
Many preachers have preached on Heaven's Economy---
They expect there will be labors in heaven,
When there can be no such thing, as Heaven is Eternal Sabbath.
Also, heaven will not be a place, where we tempt fate
And fear, and try to thrill ourselves with falling
Or with the grotesque. For there will be no fear there.
Heaven will not be a place with horses carrying carts
Or cars and trucks, or even boats---yes, there will be no boats
So it says in Ezekiel specifically, so therefore no machine---
And many have mistakenly and falsely prophesied
That there will be something like Television in heaven.
There will not. There will be imaginations far exceeding humanly imagination
Where perhaps this world is how real our imagination can fathom
But the place of Heaven will be far more real.
But, in that reality, there will be no suffering, pain or loss of fortune.
We are all given one Day's Labor in heaven---
Therefore, there will be no property, but rather status of our wealth will be on display
In our mansions, which will be our homes, but there will be no sleep
And only activity; and many planning, and many goings and comings.
All property is shared in common
For this communism cannot work on Earth because of limited resources.
But, in heaven, it can, for all things are shared the same.
Heaven will not be an endless choir, or church service
Listening to homilies, for there will be no sin, therefore no need for them.
God's Word will dwell with us, as our Hephzibah,
Our heavenly spouse and mate, and this is great mystery,
For the Land shall be called "Beulah."
It shall flow with milk and honey, but there will be no sweat of labor;
The grains shall be mowed, and instantly grow again.
The cattle shall graze, and graze, and graze, softly
And all beasts in heaven shall be like the kine
And graze upon heavenly fruit.
But, there will be no games or strife of competition.
There will be no winning against your fellow heavenly being
And no competitive sports like Baseball.
For, silly thing, if Baseball existed it would be like a Loony Tune
Where they'd hit so many home runs, there could be no other team to win.
There will be games, in the form of child's play,
And activities which the heavenly host do, and enjoy in communion
But no games where one will have victory over another.
Also, nothing like video games, or virtual reality where you will do combat.
Rather, all things will be like child's play, and running with a toy stick fashioned into a gun or sword.
There will be imagination in the heavenly host,
But no pain, no torment, no sin...
We shall go on mental adventures through a land
And be free like Christ was to roam heaven and sing and shout all over it.
We'll all have shoes, and harps, but there will be manifold activities.
We, like Christ was on Earth, shall roam the heavenly cities
And be free spirited, and travel, and meet all the other heavenly hosts
In company, and the discussions shall be politics of great joys and festivals and the great deeds
Of Jehovah-Jireh, which He gave those joys, and they shall be made in memorial.
There will be no science to make machines, but all the heavenly engines will be natural.
Sure, one can study the breadth and depth and width of God's Heavenly Creation
And learn with fascination the many wonders of His law and love.
But, there will be no petty disagreements, or strife over anything, or covetousness
Or bitterness. There will be no joys of spoils over enemies, friends or foes;
Save those you conquered here on Earth.

4. Satan's Temptations

Satan, a loud, obnoxious voice
In my intrusive thoughts
Says, "Stop prophesying,
"Or you will pay the awful cost."
He says, "Know if you were famous
"All Christendom would be lost."
So, I say, "How is that so?
"Because they have not built their
"Foundations upon the rock?"
If Prophecy is sin, and wisdom wrong
Then it shall be that falling away will
Come in not so very long.

5. Metaphor of Christ

Christ is like the wind, my tongue the rudder,
And the world is like the seas.
Sploosh, I fall in,
And He plucks me out, you see?
That thing Theophilus the thorough
Examiner of the faith, received from Luke,
It saves, yet so many are ground to dust
By that same Bible’s opal page.
To know our LORD, and use it
Like a guide for the blind—-
The volume is written of Him
So He is Who shall have the prize.

6. When the Armies Surrounded Jerusalem

The sleeping slumber, slipped My startled soul
When the Phalanxes fell Fated upon the frail faults
Where they beat perfectly brazen Beasts on the first battle.
But, the great horsemen came harrowing Harrowed upon the hills
And the Phalanxes could not turn For, though Cyrus fought in those Phalanxes
Alexander the Great aligned himself With the all coming animals
Who would feast upon flesh In battles gross and bald.
Thus, the Phalanxes could not furnish Their foes, for Alexander's rush attacked
Them from the port guard, and grueling Gore spilled over the gargantuan gorges.
Cyrus' numbers were no more. Alexander had numbered them with the null.
Who will assay Alexander though? The Abomination surrounded Ariel
And who, but Christ, will Christen the victor won? Can anyone but He defeat and pay the cost?
Therefore, Jeshurun, flee to the hillocks and dales And don't come down, even if he says "I am David".

7. Freedom

A poet's freedom, is they can preach
On battles never fought, and cities never breeched.
For in that year of Eighteen Hundred and Three
England was not invaded by French, and there was no victory.
Yet, Wordsworth boldly prophesied, of victory that day;
No English soil was spilled with blood,
But in October of 1803 he did say,
In anticipation of British guns
To defend the Isles of Arthur
He had declared Britain a victory won.
No prophetic power, no fulfilled truth
It was only an idle boast...
Yet where the poet is not free to say
That brings on a mighty host.
For, illiberal are the times, and olden victories sore
Even if no armies assail, or come upon American shores
We have lost our right to speak and buy
And have lost our rights to privacy.
The poet's not free because the citizenry
Wish him to be fettered to their zeal.
For freedoms hard fought are gone
And the opposition against it childish.
For if peace lasted like so a thousand years
It would be the utmost vilest.

8. Pharisees and Sadducees


Oh my! This man has found all the evidence
And yet he is a miserable sex offender!
If the world knows about him, that he found all these things
Oh that rascal, the whole world would stop believing!
For why would God give prosperity to a letch like him!
Why is he so creative with his thoughts?
He rebukes us at the dinner table for saying what the Bible says
That Jephthah murdered his daughter, and God's silence is aught!
To die, means one descends to the grave, and only afterward
Do they rise and meet their maker! Yet he said
"To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD!"
Oh, this offender! This letch, this terrible letch
Undoing all our Religious Dictatorship! Paul said "And" not "Is".
His evidence is 100 years different than what is spoken by Paul!
And, then, he rebukes a good man about the man whom
Jesus healed, and asked if he wanted water!
We know that man is a sinner, for why would God
All knowing, ask such a thing? We understand God's thoughts.
This letch, we must steal his bread, and fortune, and prosper ourselves
For if he is known among the peoples, they shall all laugh at him and lose faith.
He even has the audacity to say God's law is self evident
And need not He to be true! Why must aught be true
Unless God makes it? Why? All things are only known
Because the Bible tells us so. And nothing else can be known at all.


Oh my, this person preaches on sin!
And he is a miscreant!
Oh, we love our God Sin, that is God
The brazen bull, and he wishes to break it to pieces!
We shall have our Abomination set up in the temple
And Theophilus never heard one true word about our God.
We shall let the sodomites be married!
There is not one shred of evidence that God exists
And we know Zoroastrianism was the first Monotheistic faith.
The Jews were Pagans, and Polytheistic
And worshipped at the altars of sin,
This we know because of much evidence;
Until that miscreant Josiah changed the religion.
No, their books were not written
Until after the exile, this we know---
(Despite it clearly being established on evidenced not to be the case.)

9. Am I An Elitist?

I’d argue that I’m in no way an elitist,
Because the elites agree with you.
You, indeed, are the elitist now.
And you now hold the literary pretentions of a generation.

10. Mrs. Elena

Do you hear the subtlety of her breath?
The terse, spondee sentences?
Declarative, and so direct?
Do you hear how she makes
Me like Thomas Chatterton
And with lies, demolishes an entire career?
The Special Education Teacher
Meets the Poet, the Essayist and Novelist
And she in one utterance undoes it all?

Yet. I still write.

For if I wrote by her rules,
I'd have little joy.

11. I Worship a God Who

I worship a God who drowns the world because it’s painting cave walls with paints made from human blood, and pottery, and keeps dead relatives' corpses with them as decoration, and does who knows what else.

I also worship a God who tells the Israelites to destroy nations that cannibalize their own children, and have orgies just so they can cannibalize their own children, to practice gross satanic rituals.

12. The Vain War

Armies railed against
Each other for forty
Years. Their ships
Beaching upon shores
Their planes bombing cities
There men, women and children
Lie dead in valleys.
Waves upon waves collided
Into each other, numbering casualties
In the billions.

The only thing that stopped it
Was that both countries had nothing
Left... both economies in shambles
Their natural resources expelled;
The Oil and Natural Gas wells dried,
The fish depleted,
The farmland all made marginal,
The wild game destroyed,
The shelters all broken,
The walls all torn down,
Their silicon and minerals no more,
Their gold and silver all spent...

There was no winner.
There was no loser.
It was just an awful draw;
And who suffered?
Was it not everyone
Save those who perished in the waves?

13. That Perfect Day in May

Heaven shall be that perfect day in May
When the leaves have newly unfolded
And they impress upon you a sense
That the whole world has changed in one instant.
The roses shall be in full bloom
And scent the forest with subtle perfume
Not overbearing, but natural.
The black snake shall slither upon the path
And it shall have a joyful jubilance
And a tiny little life imbued within it
And feed upon the dust;
No one shall be frightened by him.
The ivy shall not be poisonous
And shall give forth its hips
In scrumptious berries,
Twelve kinds, to the ever changing
Seasons of Heavenly flora.

14. My Bride Wisdom

My cherished cherry blossom
With the petals of silk,
Thy allure is thy beauty
And my children's thy milk.
Come find me, o Wisdom
Find me swift and strong
For if another finds you Wisdom
I shall for ever be wrong.
God, bring me the cherished beauty
Of Wisdom Grace and Peace.
Oh Cherry Blossom,
My promised Heifer
My all I shall sacrifice for thee.
Ask me to lose life and limb
I shall... ask me to give up
The Riches and Talents of Solomon
I shall... just, do me one thing
Never let me lose my Wisdom
So she can be wedded eternally to me.

15. The Ballad of Matilda

Ah, Matilda and David, you have
Gained through Scythian war the world.
Ah, Ferguson, Matilda Maeve,
You three gained possession
And took the burden off of my yoke.
I did not want it... you may infinitely have.
Make many children, and sire many young
And remove the curse far from me
As far as the East is from the West.
You have fought well, and gained it.
And I thank you, for now I do not hold
The contemptible office my soul dreads
But you do, for many ages and eons
May your reign last forever!

16. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

In you was a heart of gold
And lead tongue.
You were a man who lived the Gospel
Not one who preached it very well.

But, to do is weightier than to say.

17. The Politics of the Forrest
Neifert, B. K.. Natures Portraits,, 2024.


I hear you, as the roses give their scents
And you sang at my window in February.
A muse for a poem... so beautiful is your song...
I know not what you are, but you sing
"F F F Eb a sesqui-flat D and Db."
What beautiful bird are you?
I don't know.


God, You listen carefully to the woods
And on every sparrow You bend Your watchful ear.
Such importance in it, every elm and oak
You see, and You see the Rosebushes
Are strangling the Mighty Oaks and Sycamores
And over yon the fox goes on his hunt;
Careful, You watch over the forest
So secluded in the wood.
The hiker goes and urinates on the side trail
As the deer moves across the woods;
Its tail a white mercy flag thrown as it flips up
Like a terrier's ear.


The oaks and maples' roots try one another
For the nutritious soil fed by scat and decayed foliage.
There, You see them, giving eye to their war
And You watch them, listening to them
Knowing the forest does this ever so slowly
And methodically, creeping vines up the tawny
Woods, and poison ivy, and rose hips,
And at the bottom of the forest are the season's flowers.
And there, the little Mayapples do battle with the Bluebells
And they suffocate one another, and do war
The lily of the Mayapple and the blue bell of the bellflower;
Or the violet bellflower in the later months.


On and on, the forests go, the geese with their little goslings
They twaddle there and here, and everywhere
In their lines like little schoolchildren
But stand boldly in front of traffic;
For they tempt fate, but the mercy of man
Is as severe as his cruelty.
The goose hisses at the passerby
And the bird sings her songs in the holly bush
Making summer flowers.
The mulberries are ripening
And the sycamore fruit and pods are matured
And the samaras are there on the maples
And the hickories are being formed;
So are the walnuts, to breed and send their little saplings
Into the world if fertilized by the tree's sexual intercourse
Pollinated by the bees, and male and female upon the same floret.
The ivy vines grow around the branches and tangle them up
And sap the energy from their vines;
The chlorophyll in the leaves make sugars
And the sap grows in the trunks.


The trees, they struggle violently for half a century
To grow tall, withering branches, and they fall from the storms
Which the winds blow and prune them
And their roots tangle, and the water is fought for.
Slow and methodical is this war;
Ever growing the trees try to reach to the sky
And God is ever faithful, listening to their wars
And seeing the alliances made,
And nature go its course,
Carefully listening, seeing, watching,
Knowing... He is worried about the Roses strangling the Oak
And worried about the Squirrels whether they have found nuts.
On they go, making their choices, but where they have fallen into the mud
The trees grow, and cannot but grow, or they don't.
Worried about the majestic woodpecker, with red crest
Finding grubs and ants, that she is fed.


Along the way, they grow tall, and bare branches
Show lost battles, where the deer scratched their antlers into the bark
Or the carpenter ants ate their cores,
Or the other trees blocked out the sun,
And all the animals go about their business
Eating, gathering, seeking, finding, and sometimes they die.
They go, in a wild fashion, their wars unseen or untold by the annals of our history books
And the mighty trees fall, and others replace them
And there they silently go about their work
And God listens carefully, interested in everything.
The report from the Maples that they have grown strong
Their leaves have changed for fall,
But a little early, sometimes a little late,
Their sap is growing, they go sent in their design
To do what their Genetics tell them, sculpted by nature
In its own unique form---for the tree grows according to its DNA
And is sculpted by its environment in a different way
And two completely new things are done with a unique Genetics
And a unique environment, it grows
But we still know what kind of tree it is
By its leaves and fruits.


And finally, God bends over listening to their politics
And their moving, the bird's language speaking all day
And the rabbits and chipmunks going along the forest floor
And the foxes and feral cats hunting.
They go, the toad scampers, a new thing, and not yet fully grown
It hops there, and the matured one, ever so lucky
It had reached its full maturity it dies old.
So does the squirrel grow old, and some do not.
The herring and the crane fish,
Where the school of sunnybass feed upon the crickets and mosquitos.
The bats fly through the branches at night
And the owls perch there, and the eagles, and hawks
As the doves sing their song "Whoo-o whooo: whoo whoo"
And as the song began with the birdsong
So shall it end.

And winter comes, and the forest sleeps.

18. Truth Cast Down

Truth, valiantly you have given your tedium
But the people's wanted glory, war and fun.
You stood at the gate, warning all of aught
And told whomever you could a thing was true.
Yet... the atheist and moor stole your garment
And so did the Jew and Sadducee.
The Pharisee claimed you were naught
And great were your bellows in the gates
And great were your warnings of coming disaster.
But, it did not come, and the people grew weary.
"O, the vision is from a long time, and what's true is not
"And what's not is true, great Truth, you speak
"Ever so oily in the streets, and with smooth talk
"You give your warnings of disasters that shall not come."
Truth stood with Mercy in the street, and the two were lovers
And Truth said to Mercy, "The peoples, they worship a lie."
For, they lied, and threw him down, and thrusted him through
With their words, to make sure he had nothing.
They lied about the master and principled man
And they used their Red Herring with its oily wings
To divert people away, and lied about men
And did their investigating into the investigator
To find what they could, and then slandered him;
Though no thing could be done, the apologist Truth
Tried to reason with people... but that day would come
And he was vindicated in everything he said.

19. Quirinius

You reign in Syria, under Herod,
As a Prefect of Galilee issues
A Census. Mary is about to embark
On the sixty mile Journey to Bethlehem.
Joseph wishes to go, so his Son
Is born in Bethlehem
As he is of the lineage of David.
Mary tells the good doctor Luke
Only she conflated the two events
As the census was near the
Time of her embarkment
On her most precious journey.

20. The Apologist

I see the clear truth
That when Atheists argue
With me, it is like
I am Milton's Gabriel
Arguing with Hon Shaiton.

21. The Good Sultan and his Camel

The Sultan worked in the stables
Cleaning out the stalls for his beloved Dromedary.
She had just lost her calf, so she wept bitterly
Throwing up her head in mournful lowing,
And the Sultan came to her, and through up his hands
Around her giant body,
And cried, "Ah, my Aziz is crying for her calf
"I know, I know, the world is hard, my precious.
"For you weep, and so do I at this world's evil."

22. Siddonsburg Road

Driving the wagon down a winding road
I had taken a road I had never seen.
Several more had pressed me forward
So an anxiety in my bones I had gleaned
From their haste, to do their business
But I on an unfamiliar country road
I found myself in a new place, just five
Miles from my home, and everything was new
And every beautiful landscape I had never known.
Five miles off my path, off that winding Siddonsburg Road
I had seen within a whole new world,
One which I had never known.

And then, taken back to familiar streets
My eyes had seen my familiar town
New buildings, new things, new things untold
I had even walked into my home
And saw it was all fresh and new
When I travelled on Siddonsburg Road.

23. While I was in Heaven

While in heaven,
I saw a bright olive green.
I heard God's voice,
And He told me things of Peace.

Though the world be a Tetractys
In ten dimensions of space and time
Three for past, Three for Present, Three for Future
And one time linking all;
The LORD's mercy still prevails over all.

For one soul we have, wherever we go
And one soul we ever seen,
All in our conscious body
We live one life it seems.

And that life is different, for every man and wo
And time and space gets rendded
By God's eternal flow.

The wounded wasp goes in my couch cushions
And when I sit upon I see
The wasp across the floor still lives
So I kill it without glee.
No, it had not stung me,
But providence's hand
Had moved the danger out among me
So I could fatal a blow do land.

The Bible's word and page
It opens right to see
That what I need if in time
I find it there plainly.
Once a word is spoken,
Once for all good time--
I speak the word of blessing
And in those pages find
Word for the present hour
And then it seems its gone.
God's miracle is living
Not a dead wood pulp and stone.

So also I hear of wars
And rumors of the same;
I hear of that king Antichrist
But far removed is his fame.
I sit and ponder with a globe to my right
And heaven's gemstones to my left
In lantern shell and china saucer
While I pray for a merciful wife to bless.

I know what is and what is not
I know not to worry about the past
All things move in their eternal order
And what's first shall be the last.

24. Tetractys

Life is a Tetractys, where we begin atop
Bright light, and reigning with the LORD.
And whether to the left or right we move
Darkness to the left, and to the right is the Word.
In-between is grey and to the left is dark
As we move across the tetractys toward darkness or the light.

So also God's holy angels are ordered in the way.
Dark begins two thirds from the top
And moves across the left in shame.
Then the gradient of gray moves toward the light
And where we end is true...
Either purest white or purest dark
Therefore, choose Christ and on that narrow path be shrewd.

25. Word for Modernity

Is Who saves
And no other.
Not I, nor Antichrist, nor Thaddeus---

So, you: wonder strong
At the Laws of God, serene
In contemplation.

For all goodness flows through His beautiful
Word, since your deed
Need perfect

26. The Tongue

You backward little thing---
I hear a curse from all people
Even myself. You backward little thing.
Let my tongue be a blessing
And feed the multitudes.
Let it hide sin, and not be a talebearer.
Let the tongue not spread slander
Or utter witchcraft and cause
The balance to break.
Let not the tongue utter judgment
Either false or true, nor bring an enemy
To court, save recompense is truly needed.
Let not the tongue say, "I want more
"For my desire, therefore, I will take this thing
"My neighbor did many moons anon
"And get compensation for it,
"When I cheerfully opened my doors to him."
Let not the tongue utter foul speech
And lustful sayings, and ugly thoughts.
Let not the tongue be simple and perverse
But like the honeymead aged, and fine
And brandish the liquor of joy.
Let the tongue encourage in work
And not look for every idle fault.
Let the tongue spring forth judgment
Against the wicked nation that does evil
Not to bring the fires upon it or rebellion
But to cause it to seek shelter and rest.

27. A Forgotten Memory

In Byron's collection, marks a folded leaf
With the tally of a game I once played.
Whomever the people were, I know not
Only their first initials. The game, even
I know not, for there could be a couple
Which the scores would represent.
Was it Dad and Victoria?
Was it Dad and Valerie?
What even was the game?
Were it even someone I now know;
Maybe a forgotten person from my past
I met once, and never would meet again.
No game comes to mind, it is completely blank.
Eerie is this feeling, that some part of my life
Vanished, and how much of my life is documented
And I know not who, or what, or when, or how?

28. The World's Romance

The world's romance are paramours
And love affaires---men's dispassion
And women making love with one
Who is not their husband.
It is the opposite of Odysseus's wife
Where the two, parted, make each their consorts
And loves luxuriously without one another.
My broken heart cannot bear it.
Parted, no one loves or swells with joy
To see another, but rather stale misery
They meet their wives, and
"Misery me misery, I am not in love!"
Separately they live, and hollow was their marriage.
There is no friendship, no love in the bones
But cruel sex for childrearing
And the fruit of adultery's sting for joy.
I am not built for this world
But another it seems.
For all counsel me that this is how it must be.

29. My Commiseration with Atheists

I once had a night terror
I went to the Hotel California.
I saw my heaven petitions
And in that room I left
To find a curtain with a crowd
Of painted people---like in
A video game.
And they booed.
Above it was written,
"Brandon's Creativity."
I then was taken by a twisted ghoul into a prison
Down a cement corridor.

Today, I recall that dream
Listening to Fireworks
Conjuring that Isaiah 28
Is happening.

I then think about God,
That if He sent me
That dream, heaven will be
One apple tree,
Iron for wood, and Gold for Bronze
No heaven at all
But 1000 fruitless years
Spent on Earth, no Hephzibah
And that God hates art
And wants nobody to
Really think about what He's saying.

And if that god says, "Behold, you will know
"That I am God,"
I'll say, "Yes, and what a disappointment."

Luckily, that's not the real God of our universe.

30. Lord Jehovah

Lord Jehovah-Jireh, Jesus Christ
I languished on my bed last night
Wondering whether I were in the fold.
I see so many believers, young and very old.
They cling to Bibles, without question
And like a sheep to shepherd drawn
The shepherd guides them and feeds them
And it left me in such wonder and awe.

Am I a goat, who must know the very law?
Or is a Goat one who feeds not the homeless
Or the widow visits or the orphan loves?
Or the prisoner he hates with passion
And the captive he does not seek?
And is it he who does these things, is he actually a sheep?

Or is a sheep a mindless drone, unquestioning about Paul's word?
That faith requires no works at all, and that is the leaven they have learned?
To simply believe, like a sheep, and chew on the cud?
Is a sheep one who does not question, or does not have any love?
They, their brethren, do so very judge
And all that's required is an idle word
"Jesus is LORD" my God
I cannot believe it... for you gave man creativity and a brain.
I think your law is brilliant, and it is extremely sane.
I must ruminate on it all day, the meditation of my heart
For Your law I love, and cherish, let Christ forgive me for being smart.

I do not understand the Christian worldview
Of unquestioned faith, and unparalleled grace
That would make immortal a holy prude.
For, maybe I sin by making my songs
But I think the vision was wrong.
I think it was my fleshly brain
For your kingdom I suffer long.

I sought you on my bed
And thought, "This is my God."
The one who lets me be what I am
And nurtures compassion and love.
The one who has a strong word to say
And condemns all sin in the flesh.
For by providence you make me walk
To what's my soul's true best.

Jesus Christ is the LORD.

31. The Kind of Wife I Want

I want a wife who will walk with me through rain---
No metaphor is being made there, but to find pleasure
In the freedom of going out into a rainy day,
Where there is no thunder, and get soaking wet
Through the raincoat.

I want a wife who will, in that perfect day in June,
Look for a Mayapple to bite, and pull the string
Out of the honeysuckle, and eat the little drop of nectar
And will eat mulberries over blackberries
And will seek out the wild strawberry and raspberry.

I want a wife who will have long talks about poetry
And philosophy, and religion, and science, and math
And art, and psychology, and sociology,
And gardening, and nature, and friendship won
Over the deep stuff... not the small talk.

I want a wife, who will play games with me
Whether it be Scrabble, or Chess, or Magic the Gathering
Or Pinochle, or Cribbage, or Rummy or Catan, or Risk
Or we will tell stories to each other, and daydream
Together of worlds far away.

I want a wife who makes love, and time for love
And wants me by her side at all hours:
She doesn't tire of me, and she doesn't talk down to me
And she doesn't baby me, or avoid me.
She is affectionate, and when I embrace her, she does not shrink back.

I want a wife who does these things,
And maybe I will climb the birch tree and fall down with it.
And maybe I will hook the horse up to plough
And maybe I will get strong and mighty
For I love her more than I love myself.

For that is what we all need, is a person we love more than ourselves.

33. A Poem on Dymer by C. S. Lewis

Reading it, I get disgust---
It is only jealousy.
And I have a mind to understand
Why people hate what I do write.
It is because I failed at doing what he accomplished.
Realizing that, I submerged myself into the poem
And felt the youthful zeal, and strong affect
Of a wonderful youth writing his epic poem.
I felt my first burgeons of epic poetry
And what I hated I then loved
Because I realized what he did was what I wanted to do---
And that is why people hate me, too,
Is that snobbish acumen.
So, give me the mercy I gave Mr. Lewis
And you may find what is my weakest
Is indeed my strongest.
Like I did with him.

34. An Interpretation of Dymer


Pushed onward from Dymer to Dymer
The armies assailed by the Red Headed Hunchback's
Maddened prophecies. The sky drew black as shod.
I looked on, as Alexander and his Huns
Outflanked the Phalanxes.
I saw where his victim lay slain
And I saw his teeth there like fangs.


So while Dymer lay upon the grassy knolls
He lay there, dead among the valley's waste,
And had he known what were good wisdom's role
He would not have chased that awful, lusty wraith.
For, the life is fervent charity: not hate
Turned into one languished, dreadful, selfish loll---
So seek heaven's peace like a Comely Maiden's hold.

35. Under Oath

The LORD is good, to perfect you
If you take His word into your stone heart.
Be under no Oath, but rather speak
The truth in your soul.
What I do, that hurts others
It is my sin, and that drives me to Christ.
For trust me when I say I am not perfect;
But we must desire the righteousness of God
To be happy, and perfected in peace, love and joy.

36: An Example of my Mind Palace

Ezekiel 28 is the King and Prince of Tyre and Ziddon.
Nebuchadnezzar breached the walls with the Trojan Horse.
Homer wrote the Iliad, and probably meant to convey the Siege of Tyre.
Agamemnon is Nebuchadnezzar, and Alexander scraped the foundations
Of Tyre, and built a causeway and took Egypt for nothing. According to Prophecy.
Cambyses II took Egypt, and brought Pythagoras and the Egyptians down, to fulfill the 40 year captivity.
As did Titus when he sacked Jerusalem, and took the Jews into Captivity
It fulfilled the 40 year captivity. Jesus prophesied of the Temple's destruction;
The wailing wall still stands, is it indeed a part of the Temple
Or is there going to be a new destruction?
The Temple was outlaid with gold, and was white.
Jesus said the Pharisees were Whitewashed Tombs
Just like the Temple was whitewashed.
In Ezekiel, there will be a new Temple, and it seems heavenly.
Our Body is a Temple, and is the container of the Holy Spirit.
Haggai implored the rebuilding of the Temple, and tithing is necessary to keep prosperous.
This is proof of Dispensation, what the Temple is, and therefore the priesthood and law.
Do not sacrifice, if the Jews make a third temple. It is error, let Christ remain your sacrefice,
Or you will be caught like those who remained in Jerusalem were, surrounded by the Abomination of Desolation.
The Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet, are typed in The King, Prince and Ziddon.
Also, they are typed in Moab, Egypt, Philistia, Assyria and Babylon.
Greece and Persia are the two main empires of latter days;
Islam and Communism is the religion of Persia, and Secularism and a Free Market is the religion of Grecia.
The Four Beasts in Daniel are divisions of those empires; the Iron Jowled Beast being the Antichrist Kingdom.

The poor are more important to tithe to, but do pay a shepherd.
Blessed are those who mourn, and also the poor.
Do not gain the world, and lose your soul.

37. Amelia and Joan

How do I write such perfection?
It is like another hand has written it for me?
Yet, there it is in my handwriting,
There it is in my original drafts...
Curiously, I am that good of a writer.
It's like a word, which isn't mine,
Comes to my mind, and writes perfection.
It is the providential guidance of the Holy Spirit.
That is all I can say...
For His thoughts are not my thoughts;
And He has given liberally to me,
So that I may one day meet my Bride
Mercy, and kiss her with Peace,
And consummate my tongue through Wisdom.

38. The Song of Wicked John

Wicked John

I'm really mad, and I will live my life
You did nothing to me, but I want strife
I'm angry and twelve people write my songs!
My words, are so catchy and weak
And I get off at calling you a sheep
I am perpetually at wrong.
I'm mad, I don't even know why
I feel like I want suicide
I'm a man who makes images in blood.

I haunt Brandon's dreams
I am such a scream
I ate a Juneberry
And Brandon saw me in his dreams...


"You are a worthless fuck!"
Said the man who I once loved
And saw nakedly exposed
In his demon teeth and jagged edge ran loose;
I saw you walking down the street
I'll have love, but you'll have misery
This is my screamo song
So I will go to heaven
And hell will open up her womb.

One man, wrote this song
Not eight, with lyrics always wrong
Maybe no one wants to listen to me
But I got something real to say that's not lazy.

Wicked John:

I haunt Brandon's dreams
I am such a scream
I ate a Juneberry
And Brandon saw me in his dreams...

So here's the fact, put a bullet in your brain
And that's a fact, I saw you were so lame
I gave you all you have and I made you
So I guess I will have the last laugh.

Brandon said, "No, I will."

39. Babble

The circus of the church stunned me
As my neighbor rolled on the floor.
Silently, I rebuked the child.
Incoherent noise profuse to my ears
And mass hysteria and mental illness…
I said, “I am still a Christian;
“And when I speak in tongues
“Other nations hear and stay silent.”

40. The Last Christian

"I am the last Christian on Earth.
"All have turned aside, and forgat.
"Life grew soft, and pleasant
"So that the Earth was paradise.
"Gross and lewd things became proper.
"Men learned how to play with death.
"The Magicians and Warlocks grew
"And Demons were the Science.
"I am the last Christian on Earth
"And I was the first Christian on Earth.
"I saw the World rejoicing
"With its squalor, bathing in lust.
"I realized, I truly did, in that moment,
"The faith was honest, sincere,
"And real. So I had peace like Noah
"Knowing the world needed Him;
"Though no rain would fall;
"Faith disappeared, and the reason why
"Was no one got what they truly wanted
"So they abandoned belief to pursue their lucre.
"To do evil, and therefore gain pleasure
"For doing good gave them none.
"And that is what the world was about.

41. To Keats

A cup of milk in airy foam and Cappuccino sweet
With cherry cinnamon and maple syrup and vanilla stick.
I would sit across from you at table and lap up the froth
Sweet nectar of the Aromatic Excelsa and say to you my piece.
I would say, "Good poet, to do is what you speak
"And to say it well I see. No airy metaphor graces lips
"Except to experience the thing as it is."
I would sit back, and eagerly wait upon you
Who talks of beer and Gypsy maids, to address my apology
Of what makes your verse so beautiful.
For my head is in the deep clouds, but yours on the pier
To sit nigh the moonshined beaches, and lap a pint of cheer.
No grand thing, no intelligent design does come from your pen.
But, rather, beautiful and layered verse of life;
A life I cannot live, but would be merry to.

42. Human Seasons 2024: Echoes of Keats

Springtime comes in the youthful yen
Where every woman merrily bends
To the beautiful youth, with fantasies
Of love and loves, and nude.

Then summer is here, with thoughts of money
And status, and ink and pen is not so important.
The children cry, and are burdensome
Or they bring joy to the enlightened.

Then at autumn, the expenses of children's
Fortunes weigh heavily on the mind: had they raised
Or been raised, or are they bound by youthful lusts
Still in adulthood? Did fortune bestow its graces upon them?

Then at winter, one is utterly forsook by them
And foul, and old and poor, or old and rich
It does not matter, naked entered into the world
Dust shall be its end, and life was errant.

Spring, the progeny yen to seed their young
Summer, the progeny raise their young
Autumn, the progeny reap in the fortunes
Winter, children forget the kindness of their fathers.

We live in a bitter world;---
That is my addendum to Keats' masterpiece.

43. Nero Abaddon

Nero, with your Pegasus,
You birth the Grecian and Persian Kings.
You defeated the Gorgon, like Voggleswyrd
And married an Ethiopian Queen.
Persia says, "We are from thee,"
And Grecia says, "We shall wed."
Pharaoh makes peace with the Hittites
But the Habiru people migrate
From Egypt into Canaan,
And stir the entire world into war.
Grecia and Persia war to this day
The Phoenicians are the Grecians
And the Egyptians are the Persians.
And little Zion makes her bold stand
Caught in the middle of their grand wars.

©2024 B. K. Neifert
All Rights Reserved

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