Truth Cast Down

Truth, valiantly you have given your tedium
But the people's wanted glory, war and fun.
You stood at the gate, warning all of aught
And told whomever you could a thing was true.
Yet... the atheist and moor stole your garment
And so did the Jew and Sadducee.
The Pharisee claimed you were naught
And great were your bellows in the gates
And great were your warnings of coming disaster.
But, it did not come, and the people grew weary.
"O, the vision is from a long time, and what's true is not
"And what's not is true, great Truth, you speak
"Ever so oily in the streets, and with smooth talk
"You give your warnings of disasters that shall not come."
Truth stood with Mercy in the street, and the two were lovers
And Truth said to Mercy, "The peoples, they worship a lie."
For, they lied, and threw him down, and thrusted him through
With their words, to make sure he had nothing.
They lied about the master and principled man
And they used their Red Herring with its oily wings
To divert people away, and lied about men
And did their investigating into the investigator
To find what they could, and then slandered him;
Though no thing could be done, the apologist Truth
Tried to reason with people... but that day would come
And he was vindicated in everything he said.

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