Lord Jehovah

Lord Jehovah-Jireh, Jesus Christ
I languished on my bed last night
Wondering whether I were in the fold.
I see so many believers, young and very old.
They cling to Bibles, without question
And like a sheep to shepherd drawn
The shepherd guides them and feeds them
And it left me in such wonder and awe.

Am I a goat, who must know the very law?
Or is a Goat one who feeds not the homeless
Or the widow visits or the orphan loves?
Or the prisoner he hates with passion
And the captive he does not seek?
And is it he who does these things, is he actually a sheep?

Or is a sheep a mindless drone, unquestioning about Paul's word?
That faith requires no works at all, and that is the leaven they have learned?
To simply believe, like a sheep, and chew on the cud?
Is a sheep one who does not question, or does not have any love?
They, their brethren, do so very judge
And all that's required is an idle word
"Jesus is LORD" my God
I cannot believe it... for you gave man creativity and a brain.
I think your law is brilliant, and it is extremely sane.
I must ruminate on it all day, the meditation of my heart
For Your law I love, and cherish, let Christ forgive me for being smart.

I do not understand the Christian worldview
Of unquestioned faith, and unparalleled grace
That would make immortal a holy prude.
For, maybe I sin by making my songs
But I think the vision was wrong.
I think it was my fleshly brain
For your kingdom I suffer long.

I sought you on my bed
And thought, "This is my God."
The one who lets me be what I am
And nurtures compassion and love.
The one who has a strong word to say
And condemns all sin in the flesh.
For by providence you make me walk
To what's my soul's true best.

Jesus Christ is the LORD.

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